Explore our accommodation offereings through either The Inn at Serenbe or Serenbe Vacation Rentals.
Note Camp Serenbe is only available to guests of The Inn at Serenbe or Serenbe Vacation Rental properties in addition to Serenbe Residents and Terra School Families.
The Inn at Serenbe
The Inn at Serenbe has a total of 27 rooms available on the Inn Grounds among six different buildings. Additional rental properties are also available in the community. All stays include a full country breakfast, access to all Inn Grounds amenities including pool and hot tub.
Serenbe Vacation Rentals
Serenbe Property Management offers short- and long-term vacation rentals and leasing throughout the Serenbe community. Rentals are available in every neighborhood hamlet, from one-bedroom lofts to five-bedroom homes.
Once you book your stay, email us with your confirmation and you will receive the registration link to enroll your campers.